Dallas FPV Wing Club

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About Dallas FPV Wing Club


The founding fathers... and mother

Dallas FPV Wing Club is a group that is dedicated to FPV and mostly flying wings. We are ambassadors to the hobby and have the most amount of fun in the safest way possible. Our group welcomes experienced and new pilots in the North Texas area. Our Facebook Group is where you can meet up with us and find out where we're flying and when. Again, the group is open for North Texas FPV pilots only.

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DFWC News!


Shane and Heather will be flying the new Team Legit V2R Race Wing at the Drone Nationals in NY. Please wish them luck as they compete against the best FPV wing pilots in the world!

Heather (@msflashgangster) shows you how to laminate a race wing on Flitetest!

Shane (@flashgangster) shows you a couple of his favorite DIY hacks on Flitetest!

Pilot Profiles


Callsign: represent

About:John is the co-founder of Dallas FPV Wing Club. We could tell you more, but then we'd have to kill you.
Favorite plane:I don't really have a favorite plane but I like my team legit 5D4 / ritewing drak / vas mini wraith a lot... If I could only have one, Ritewing Drak.
Quote:"They always fly better after the first crash." - Johnny at Team Legit
Sponsors:Team Legit

Callsign: flashgangster

About:Shane is the co-founder of Dallas FPV Wing Club. Shane is best-known for his durability testing of Team Legit wings.
Favorite plane:Team Legit - FG36 / Team Legit - FOHDY
Quote:"Put your hands on the Oodles of Noodles" - Blue Streak
Sponsors:Team Legit, APC Propellers

Callsign: msflashgangster

About:Heather is the only female competitive wing racer in the world. After flying a whopping month and a half, Heather placed in the top 10 at the WWWR (the first AMA sanctioned FPV wing race ever)
Favorite plane:Team Legit - FG36
Quote:"Because I was inverted" - Maverick
Sponsors:Team Legit, APC Propellers

Callsign: RadioNick

About:Nick is really smart and has a really cool dog.
Favorite plane:FX 61
Quote:"Nah, the canopy doesn't need any tape" - Nick McCarthy

Callsign: KD5FPV

About:Derek helps to run our sister group in DFW called DFW RC Flyers. Check them out here!
Favorite plane:Hard to choose, but my favorite thing to do is formation with other fpv wings so I guess my semi long range FX-61
Quote:"I'll just glue it back. It'll fly.." - Derek Davis

Callsign: Guaglione

About:Michael likes tight, technical race courses and posting pictures of his home-cooked Italian food on the internet.
Favorite plane:Multiplex Twinstar
Quote:"Chi va piano, va lontano" - Most likely an old Italian Proverb
Sponsors:Armattan Quads

Callsign: Phillip

About:Phillip was born a long range pilot, transitioned into racing, quads and general shenanigans, full of RC knowledge and always willing to help a fellow pilot out.
Favorite plane:Funbat <- LOL
Quote:"Hahahahaha!" - Phillip after taking out a Chihuahua with a PopWing

Callsign: SkyNerd

About:Jesse works as a Registered Nurse. He's already got his oldest (age 4) on the buddy box! Flitetest got him into the hobby about three years ago and He's totally hooked. Jesse says he's met some great people (like flashgangster) and had some awesome times..
Favorite plane:FT Arrow
Quote:"Gravity, always bringin' me down!" - Unknown
Sponsors:Alexis Valentine
YouTubeJesse Valentine

Callsign: BarkingSpider

About:Dustin is an Aerospace Engineer with many years of RC experience. Starting FPV in early 2015, Dustin enjoys racing wings and pushing the limits on personal distance records.
Favorite plane: Anything entirely scratch built that flies the first time...and of course the Ritewing Drak!

Callsign: Evan

About:Evan enjoys both quads and fixed wing, almost exclusively FPV. He has been flying FPV for about 4 years and is still learning each day.
Favorite plane: Multiplex Twinstar II (FPV)
Quote:"Telemetry recovered." - FrSky Taranis
YouTubeEvan Kirkland